5 min read

Why You Should Showcase Your Offerings Online and What Should Each Showcase Include

We’ve looked at hundreds of deals on the web and have prepared a list of must-have sections each project page should have when showing your deal to investors.

About the Author
Vitaliy Gnezdilov

Vitaliy comes from an investor experience and product design background. He is a passive real estate investor and co-founder of Raise Ready Systems on a mission to empower alternative investment managers to raise capital online. Vitaliy enjoys spending time with his family, teaching, photography, and travel.

Deal presentation is everything. It’s what your investors have to reference when making the critical decision of where to put their money.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the perceived quality of the deal comes from the way it looks. Worse yet—or better, depending on what side of the coin you are on—your real estate investment opportunities are measured against others, not in a vacuum.

So why should you showcase your deal online in the first place?

First thing's first, your presentation becomes part of your funnel, and the investor isn't taken outside of the experience to view the deal info.

Second, the call to action to invest follows you the whole time, where if you were to showcase the presentation in a PDF, the call-to-action is usually left up until the end.

And lastly, it becomes possible for the investor to be remarketed to since we can track that they've visited the page and expressed interest.

If a deal is difficult to understand, if the information is a chore to consume, if investors are having trouble accessing, or even finding the deal, you’ve got a problem.

We’ve looked at hundreds of deal profiles on the web and have prepared a list of must-have sections each project page should have when showing your deal to investors online.

Must-Have Project Page Sections

  1. Hero with clear calls to action
  2. Investment summary
  3. Why invest in this deal
  4. Media Gallery
  5. Location Overview
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Investment docs

We’ve also created mockups for what these sections could look like. Take a look.

1. Hero with clear calls to action

Hero Section

The hero section mockup for what yours could look like.

Much like your website’s home page (and, frankly, every page on your site), the “above the fold” section tells visitors what this page is about.

For your project page, the hero section needs to have your project’s name as well as the call to action.

Let investors know what project they’re currently viewing, and what they should do—learn more or invest.

2. Investment summary

Investment Summary

Give potential investors an executive summary of what makes your deal hot.

In a half-a-tweet or less—140 characters—tell investors, at a glance, what you’re investing in and why it’s a fantastic, not-to-miss deal.

There are many more details to cover below, and we’ll get there, but for now, give potential investors a 30-thousand-foot executive summary of your investment opportunity—your “what and why”.

3. Why invest in this deal

Why Invest in this Deal

Go into more detail as to why your deal is such a good real estate investment opportunity.

Expand a bit more on the Investment Summary and let investors know each detail of what makes this particular real estate investment opportunity special—is it the location, return potential, or a unique partnership?

Dive a little deeper and show investors you’ve done your homework.

4. Media Gallery

Media Gallery

Add a media gallery so investors can see the potential for themselves.

You can tell investors about an opportunity only so much before you just have to show them.

Supplement the text on your project page with high-quality photography and architectural drawings, as well as drone footage and project walkthrough videos. Put the real in Real Estate.

Most investors say that their favorite part of investing in real estate is having a physical asset to back their capital—and who are you to deny them?

Plus, you’ll be able to raise more because trust will shoot through the roof.

5. Location Overview

Location Overview

Add a Google Maps feature to your website so investors can scope out the area.

Give your investors a better understanding of your “what and why” by providing an interactive map using Google’s API so investors can see what’s around the asset.

Is your deal located in an opportunity zone? What are the macro and microeconomic considerations of the area? What is the economic outlook as far as jobs, the trends which back all asset classes.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer common questions in an FAQ about your deal or your process.

Make a list of questions investors ask you the most.

Review past email conversations and start writing them down when new questions come up.

Not only does an FAQ section make life easier for your investors, but it also builds trust and saves you time.

7. Investment docs

Investment Docs

Upload any additional PDF documents pertaining to your deal.

Organize your investment documents in PDFs and upload them to your site, easily accessible to qualified, accredited investors.

Make it easy for investors to share details with their financial planners and vice versa.

TIP: Make it so these investment PDF documents open in a new browser tab so they don’t redirect viewers away from your site.

What your project page could look like in its entirety...

Entire Project Page

A real estate investment opportunity web page mockup.

If you are looking to update the look of your real estate syndication deals online, I hope this brief study has helped.

If you already have a great page, have you thought about bringing more investors to it using internet advertising? Check out our guide on how to use Facebook & Instagram to drive more qualified investors to your deals.